Tantric massage offers physical, emotional, mental and energetic healing

Throughout life, because of issues related to education and social customs, people often fail to express their emotions properly and this ends up being blocked and sedimented in deep layers of the body and can trigger psychosomatic illness and behavioral problems. . Relationship difficulties, stress, anxiety, shyness, fear, depression, premature ejaculation, erection difficulties, frigidity and pain during penetration are some of these problems that affect men and women and may never be cured unless people become open to alternative therapies such as tantric massage – performed by a skilled tantric therapist – that will bring physical, emotional, mental and energetic healing.

This therapy appeared in India over 7,000 years ago and uses sexual energy as a vehicle to restore the sense of union with the divine essence that permeates the entire universe. Massage takes place through very gentle therapeutic touches that, accompanied by breaths and vocalizations, promote the circulation of stagnant pleasure energy. From there, it opens the way for the elimination of rooted feelings, sensations and emotions. The direct consequence is the healing, transformation, and expansion of the whole being. In this way, individuals who receive regular tantric massages lead a full life in all areas.

In addition, it will gradually be possible to observe an awakening of sleeping body consciousness, (rediscovery) of previously forgotten sensory regions and increased breathing capacity. With this, it is possible to witness the (re) birth of courage and the desire to enjoy life’s best. Regular practice with a skilled tantric therapist also promotes changes in vibratory patterns, release of trauma, development of new communication tools, and expression of affection, which is reflected in all relationships. Remember the anxiety, fear, depression, anxiety, stress, depression and sexual problems mentioned above? For then all disappear because there was a deep healing.

But where is it possible to find skilled tantric therapists? The answer is in the Tantric Brazil Alliance, a space that brings together qualified professionals from all over Brazil who can help you get rid of all problems and live a life in a full way, as you always dreamed.