What is Tantric Massage and why do many still have a distorted vision?

A quick search on one of the largest search engines on the internet using the keywords “tantric massage” reveals surprising results. In addition to specialized professionals who use the technique exclusively for therapeutic purposes, the search also reveals those who use this disguise to offer sensual and exclusively erotic massages. Given this, for lay people, questions are almost inevitable, such as “what is tantric massage really?”

First, we need to know that throughout our lives we go through a series of emotions and are subject to limiting beliefs. All of this, over time, becomes settled in the deepest layers of the body and can lead to behavioral reproduction and the development of physical and emotional problems. And where does tantra come in and the false impression that there is sex in it?

Through light and subtle touches – including sexual organs – deep breaths, vocalizations and bioenergetics, the therapist stimulates sensory channels and redistributes stagnant energy, (re) awakening previously forgotten points of sensitivity. . The direct results are the release of all sorts of stuck emotions, including those related to sex. It is very common to even experience orgasms and sensations never felt before. Because of these aspects, many still confuse tantric massage with sex. But while sex and orgasm are closely linked most of the time, it is critical to make it clear that this type of massage never ends in therapist-client sex.

Other direct effects of this therapy are greater harmony in all walks of life, changing patterns in vibratory patterns, releasing trauma, developing new communication tools and expressing affection, which goes on. to reflect on all relationships. And to find out where to find a tantric therapist closest to you